Dream Interiors

People do not often allow themselves to be expressive and decisive in their interiors. For looseness, spontaneity, a bit of craziness, and both at the stage of arranging and using the space. Exceptions are artists, creative parents of young children, well, and perhaps residents of dormitories, for whom space does not have to be arranged and practical. On the contrary, a certain kind of chaos is part of their creative development. Other people's irrealistic longings for unusual objects or specific, perhaps even crazy interior solutions hide under the cloak of conservative correctness. It is expressed in countless concerns. They worry about whether "something" is really pretty, whether it is fashionable and up-to-date. Does it fit in with the prevailing trends and solutions. Whether it will be easy to clean. And finally - whether this or that solution will appeal to others. What will these others say if a person is tempted to incorrigibly appropriate an eccentric idea and, even worse, dares to implement it.

Emotions in interior design.

    Preventively, therefore, they not only nip in the bud, "incorrect" ideas, but also avoid items that are difficult to maintain and care for. Whether this is due to social norms, a limited budget, or is brought from home - they often take their home very formally and seriously. Such pragmatism and covering dreams or desires with heaps of doubts and fears basically prevents the creation of a very personal and individual environment. It deprives people of the joy of interacting with objects that they really like, that cause that nice tingle in the pit and that they dream about. But I have a feeling that measuring up to one's dreams is quite a challenge for people, which is sometimes difficult to meet.

Dreams in interior design.

    Often dreams of beautiful interiors are put off for "someday". Claiming that if one will someday have a nice new house or renovate the one in which they live, they will treat themselves to something beautiful or unique. But , why someday and not now. Why do people put everything off for later? They prefer to dream about beautiful interiors, objects and furniture, instead of just making them for themselves.

Fear of fulfilling dreams in interior design.h4>

    Perhaps it is, as French philosopher Gaston Bachelard argues in his book La poétique de l'espace, that "A dream house can only be a dream property, an embodiment of everything that is perceived as comfortable, convenient, healthy, solid and desirable by other people. (...) Perhaps it is good to save some dream home for later, for much later, for so much later that one will not have time to realize it. Because the house, which would be the latter, lies in a symmetrical relationship with the house in which we were born, and could lead to serious and sad thoughts rather than dreams. It is better to live in a state of impermanence than finality." Thus, no less important than the dream of wonderful interiors is for people to pursue them themselves. Initiating actions and gaining the ability to achieve them. Overcoming one's own boundaries, limitations, resistances and fears to achieve more dreamed aesthetic goals. Replace the fulfilled ones with new ones.