My Story...

My name is Agnieszka Załubska-Giruć and I am indecently in love with the colors of this world, nature and wonderful porcelain. Od 20 lat przemierzam świat w poszukiwaniu inspiracji. Mieszkałam zarówno w centrum gigantycznego miasta Nowy York jak w ukrytej w lesie leśniczówce na Mazurach. Lubię skrajności, eksperymenty i rozmach w projektowaniu. But it doesn't mean that I won't relax when designing a quiet and minimalistic interior.

I believe that great design should be accessible to everyone. Dlatego z pasją dzielę się swoją wiedzą, aby pomóc klientom stworzyć domy ich marzeń. I advise how to tame the surrounding space, how to create thoughtful and friendly interiors. At the same time deepening my knowledge of people and spaces in which they function every day. What helps me in this is the psychology of design, in which I specialize. I strongly believe that well-designed interiors can really change not only the mood but most of all people's lives. Give them a sense of pride, security and comfort.

I love following new trends, watching other designers, artists and craftsmen because they are what makes this industry so exciting. My mission is to spread confidence and joy and inspire people to own a vibrant, exciting and original home. A home that reflects the identity of its inhabitants. So I invite you into my world. Do regularnego czerpania wiedzy oraz inspiracji z postów na blogu, podcastu i konta na Instagramie. And also to sign up for my newsletter to be informed about the latest live events you can attend or join me at one of my workshops.